Groundlabs Enterprise Recon

Critical Data Discovery That does more

Enterprise Recon is Ground Labs’ award-winning data discovery solution packaged with on-demand remediation and data management capabilities, providing organizations maximum visibility and control of their most valuable data assets.


Find all kinds of data
Search and secure over 300 types of sensitive data, broaden searches using custom data types

Central Data Security
Manage thousands of systems from a single endpoint

Save Time
Maintain a perpetual state of security with continuous monitoring

Total Control
Retain or delegate responsibility for any issues found

Powerful Reporting
Concise and detailed reporting of all sensitive data storage

Simple Deployment
Agent and agentless deployment in a matter of minutes

Enterprise Recon comes in three versions

Enterprise Recon PCI — the go-to solution for those needing to manage and maintain PCI obligations and data. It enables class-leading data discovery and remediation to meet and maintain PCI compliance.

Enterprise Recon PII — the industry-leading solution that enables CISOs, ITSMs, and Data Governance Officers full data discovery and remediation tools to meet and maintain compliance against GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, PCI DSS and PDPA with over 300 data types including predefined and variants. You can also create custom data types specific to your industry and company.

Enterprise Recon Pro — the most complete data discovery solution that empowers CISOs, ITSMs and Risk Managers with full visibility of all their data along with risk insights. Enterprise Recon Pro aligns with CISO and Executive scorecards through integration with reporting interfaces such as Tableau, Power BI and anything that connects to a ODBC-compliant business intelligence tool.