PaperCut hive

Welcome to the WORLD of cloud-native print management for business!

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Convenient printing for everyone

Somehow, printing got complicated, for both users and SysAdmins: BYOD and smartphones, multiple operating systems, mixed printer brands... well PaperCut Hive, with its serverless printing, makes printing easy again. Users simply print from any device to a single print queue and securely release their print job using their mobile phone or the MFP/MFD’s touchscreen.

Print from any device to any printer in seconds

Print quickly from Chromebooks, Android, macOS, iOS, and Windows devices to any printer brand, without setting up printer drivers.

Convenient print release options

Print to one queue and pick up at any MFP/MFD using the simple 'tap and release' workflow powered by Find-Me printing.

Simple and quick onboarding for users and guests

Get people printing with simultaneous group invites - just sync with Office 365 (Microsoft 365) and soon in the pipeline, Google Workspace (former G Suite).


What's next? 

| Already done. You've already scanned the QR CODE, as displayed on the printer box!

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What to do next? 

| Register yourself!

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STEP 4 | Your order is in progress, check your email inbox for further instructions

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STEP 5 | THANK YOU for your valued order! 

We have received your payment and your HIVE license will be sent directly to your email inbox within the next 12 hours, including detailed instructions / next steps on how to configure and set up your printing environment.

For any queries and/or support enquiries, please contact