IT Enables Business, Sintrex Enables IT.

Sintrex is the largest monitoring specialist company in Africa, monitoring and measuring just about anything, helping you gain valuable insight into your IT infrastructure.

Sintrex's Core NG platform forms the basis of our solutions to manage large-scale infrastructures providing a consolidated monitoring framework.

Core NG provides detailed monitoring and data collection capabilities across different technology domains. This powerful core module – at the centre of our innovative in-house monitoring solutions – serves as an integrated management information platform. It is designed to improve operational efficiency by streamlining the control, management and alignment of IT operations and tools within the business domain.

Asset Management
Asset is engineered to maintain asset inventories (from discovered asset/serial numbers) within your network. This metadata-driven module allows for the capturing and adding of manual information, as well as continuous geographical location monitoring and management; risk management and more.

AFN Module
The Sintrex AFN module enables end-to-end network- and application-visibility through real-time, drill-down capabilities and detailed traffic investigation. This efficient solution ensures both network monitoring and optimisation. It also handily supports NetFlow, span and TAP technologies for wire data collection.

The IP Address Management (IPAM) module enables extensive, centralised visibility and administrative use within the networking environment. Automation is a key feature of this product; this allows for enhanced efficiency, streamlined workflows and heightened administrative control.